Literacy is a major priority at Monmia Primary School. Explicit teaching of Reading, Writing, Viewing, Speaking and Listening are taught for a minimum of 10 hours per week. Literacy is also an important part of all curriculum areas, as each area has their own specific vocabulary.
At Monmia Primary School, we understand the value of a rich curriculum and exemplary teaching, and their impact on student learning. Through ongoing, professional learning, staff are continuously improving their literacy knowledge, skills and strategies to ensure their teaching is powerful and successful in growing each and every student.
The Victorian Curriculum is used as the basis for teacher planning in English. A range of Literacy Assessment is used across the year to understand the strengths of each student, and to identify where to next for each student.Teachers confer regularly with students in Reading and Writing, setting goals and making decisions on how best to achieve them. Teachers ensure Learning Intentions and Success Criteria is clearly visible for all sessions to make the learning explicit.
Monmia Primary Schools delivers a comprehensive literacy program delivering a one hour reading workshop and one hour writing workshop each day in all classrooms. Mini lessons commence each session with an explicit focus. Comprehension strategies form the basis for major focuses during mini lessons in the reading block. Students participate in daily Independent reading where each child uses their individualised book box to select a 'Just Right' book to read independently. Teachers hold individual conferences and develop learing goals with the student. It is an expecation that students borrow a "Just Right' book to take home and read each night.
The writing process consististing of planning, composing, editing, revising and publishing forms the basis of the writing workshop. Students learn how to write a variety of genres from Year Prep to Year Six. Student work is celebrated once published for others to read. Developing vocabulary, conducting spelling investigations and the explicit teaching of punctuation and grammar is also a focus of the writing workshop.
Monmia Primary School believes in celebrating Literacy, involving the community in Education Week, Literacy/Numeracy and Book Week. Families are invited to attend special events in the school and share the exciting learning and fun.
Helping your child with reading at home
6 Comprehension Strategies
Writing prompts
© 2022 Monmia Primary School