At Monmia Primary School, the vision is for all students to become productive and discerning members of a future society in which change is constant and information technologies are a ubiquitous feature of everyday life. We want students to appreciate the importance of digital technologies in society and understand that they are essential tools for learning and living.
The school community recognises that as technologies shift, the ways in which information may be accessed, presented and communicated will also change classroom instructional practices and student learning. We want Monmia students to be safe, responsible and ethical users of digital technologies and believe that explicitly teaching students about appropriate online behaviours is essential, and is best taught in partnership with parents/guardians.
The Digital Learning curriculum at Monmia is a fundamental component of the teaching and learning program and aims to develop students that are innovative, discerning and confident users of digital technologies. The classroom program addresses the three strands of the digital technologies learning area as set out in the Victorian Curriculum.
Under the guidance of the department of education, teachers plan their lessons in professional learning communities. This ensures scaffolded learning where new concepts are introduced at each level and existing skills and understandings are developed. Lessons are structured to encourage students to learn through exploration, self-direction and inquiry, with explicit teaching at key points during the learning sequence.
Wherever possible, design and technologies is embedded across the curriculum to provide real-world context and authentic learning experiences. Embedded learning is supported by our Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) specialist program where the focus is on:
As aspects of the design and technologies curriculum and the hardware and software rapidly changes, teachers become co-learners with their students. This combines teacher wisdom and adult understandings with the students technical skills and experiences, bringing the best outcomes to all learners.
The school community believes that the internet, web 2.0 and social media tools have blurred the lines between home and school and helps everyone to recognise that learning happens everywhere. To support this anywhere, anytime learning, the school invests in and utilises a number of online applications that allow students to access their learning both at school and at home.
Online Safety Advice for Parents
The Office of the eSafety Commissioner hosts a website, iParent, that provides up to date information about online safety, security issues and support for parents in keeping their children safe when using online resources. Take a look at the website for advice on any of these 'Big Issues'
** Did you know your child has an account with Mathletics, Sunshine Online and Epic supporting them in their Literacy and Numeracy learning.
© Monmia Primary School